Andronis Kyriakos General Practitioner Ilioupoli - Emergencies - Prevention - Treatment Ilioupoli

Andronis Kyriakos General Practitioner Ilioupoli - Emergencies - Prevention - Treatment Ilioupoli

21648 Visitors:
Address: Angelos Sikelianos Square 5
Area: Ilioupoli
Telephone: 2109754046
Mobile: -
P.C.: 16345
Category: DOCTORS
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Andronis Kyriakos is a General Family Doctor based in Ilioupoli, Attica, his office can be found at 5 Angelou Sikelianou Square in Ilioupoli. The GP is a specialist doctor, a GP who provides his / her services at home. It is a specialty of primary care. Examines and Investigates a wide range of diseases such as: diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory (upper and lower), gastrointestinal, urinary tract, ulcers, diabetes, treatment of diabetic foot (ulcers), general examinati...
21648 Visitors:

Angelos Sikelianos Square 5, Ilioupoli

21648 Visitors:

Andronis Kyriakos is a General Family Doctor based in Ilioupoli, Attica, his office can be found at 5 Angelou Sikelianou Square in Ilioupoli.
The GP is a specialist doctor, a GP who provides his / her services at home. It is a specialty of primary care. Examines and Investigates a wide range of diseases such as: diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory (upper and lower), gastrointestinal, urinary tract, ulcers, diabetes, treatment of diabetic foot (ulcers), general examinations (screening), preventive incidents 24 hour coverage by phone.


General Family Doctor Emergency treatment
General Family Doctor Treatment of chronic diseases
General Family Doctor Home visits
General Family Doctor Prescribing drugs - tests
General Family Doctor Issuance of health certificates
General Family Doctor Vaccinations
21648 Visitors:

Angelos Sikelianos Square 5

Telephone: 2109754046

Working Hours
